Day 17

Day 17. I’ve been thinking a lot about how much easier quarantine life is thanks to technology. I mean, there’s the obvious stuff – smart phones and wireless earbuds to tune out all the togetherness (sooo. much. togetherness.), and streaming video services and online trivia games like JackBox to keep us all entertained (sometimes even via FaceTime with friends!). BUT with all of us home all day, every day, let’s be real. The dishwasher is the real MVP, people. That poor machine is getting a workout.

We’ve also been out of bread for a few days, and my carb-lovers were having withdrawals, so I finally broke out the old bread machine. It’s been a few years since I’ve used it and Walter was especially awe-struck by the idea. It was practically a Foodarackacycle moment. (No, he didn’t know the Jetsons, either. I’ve failed as a parent.)

While we’re on the subject, Walter seems to be aging much faster than any of the rest of us. I think he’s grown two inches in the past three weeks. He’s on track to go into quarantine as a boy and come out as a grown man.

When’d you get so big?

Luke and the other kids spent a lot of his weekend outside building new single track. I’m hoping their PE teachers will think outside the box and allow them to log stuff like this toward activity goals while they’re home. (Otherwise I fear we’re in for a whole lot of aerobics videos, and there isn’t enough teenage resolve in the world to get through that, no matter how fantastically horrifying the leotard situation may be.)

Hey, I had another DeepThought over the weekend.

Do stormtrooper helmets have N95 respirator capabilities?


My initial thought was, yes! Of course they must. But I can’t imagine the Empire wanting to spend the extra money to keep a bunch of expendable soldiers safe. So probably not, on second thought. All style, no substance.

Be well, and be gentle with yourselves.

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