Day 19.

Day 19. “Mama!! You’re so FANCY!”

Today I put on pants with a button and a shirt without a hood.

So the other night, we started watching the Tiger King Netflix documentary. Guys, it is a true guilty pleasure and really fits the utterly bizarre and somewhat unbelievable world in which we currently find ourselves. If you haven’t seen it, boy are you in for a treat. (And by “treat,” I mean a lot of head scratching WTF moments.)

A few weeks in and we seem to be finding our groove. Stuff keeps getting canceled, but at this point the kids seem almost numb to it. There have been a lot of board games (Mrs. McCann, were your ears ringing as they reminisced about learning Mancala in your classroom?), puzzles, baking. Lots of baking. Walter is a biking/hiking machine. I haven’t brought home any new animals yet, so I think I’m pacing myself nicely. We should probably make a point to read more (I don’t think Magic Tree House and Junie B. Jones to Harriet count), and there are still some toys I’d like to downsize/organize in the basement.

So. Much. Baking. (This week we’ve moved from Jello to pudding.)

Music has been the one constant – piano and ukulele lessons continue via FaceTime. One of Luke’s horn teachers has started biweekly music theory classes. And Luke’s orchestra has implemented Saturday morning sectionals coaching via Zoom. No, it’s not the same as being able to do this stuff in person, but it’s welcome consistency.

“On Saturdays, we WYSO!”

Betsy is really REALLY REALLY enjoying having everyone home. Lots of time outside on hikes means she’s pretty much comatose by 7pm. Thankfully Harriet builds comfortable nests and the kids make good pillows.

Be well, and be gentle with yourselves!

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