Day 33.

Day 33. I think. Honestly I’m not sure anymore, my math’s not great, and also I’m too lazy to count. So there you have it.

We recently upgraded our 20-year old washing machine and dryer. Our laundry room is right off the kitchen, and the old dryer was LOUD. Really loud (bearings are important, people). Laundry is a perpetual ordeal in a family of six, so the sounds of the machines are the equivalent of white noise. Except the new machines provide a soothing hum instead of the clatter of a threshing machine. Sitting at dinner last night, we all had the audacity to be, you know, chewing our food, which caused Luke to announce that he really missed the old dryer. You could almost see the vein thumping in his neck. (We turned on some music to help retain his sanity.)

There’s a really curious thing happening in our pantry. Someone has consumed all of the m&ms out of the trail mix. I don’t want to name names, but it was Harriet. 

Yesterday I took Glamour Shots of Betsy. I tried to get her good side. She really enjoys the water buffalo horn she received for Christmas, and thankfully it only smelled like death and excrement for the first week.

I’m pleased to report that 4+ weeks into this ordeal, only half of the Larson offspring have poison ivy. As plants haven’t even leafed out yet, I think this bodes really well for the summer. 

We had a nice Easter. The Easter Bunny wasn’t on quarantine after all (Harriet was concerned). We made it through a holiday without needing to induce vomiting in a dog or run to the emergency vet for untimely chocolate consumption. We also broke out the good china for the first time in a half dozen years and we used the good wine glasses. And then we all ate our fancy meal in pajama pants and hoodies. That’s my kind of celebration.

Be well & be gentle with yourselves!

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